Tuesday 14 April 2015

Task 6 (Spanish Educatioal System II). Work with my classmates (questions)

Hello again, I´m Bernabe, the star of this week, and here you can see the questions of the topic one in alphabetical order.

Questions topic 1

-A boy who is fifteen years old doesn’t want to study, because he thinks that earning money is better. Do the children have to go to the high school? If the answer was affirmative, do you think that there are differences between a boy who goes to the high school and with other who doesn’t?

-According to LOMCE, what are the main goals of the Spanish Educational System?

-According to the actual Spanish Educational System, what has been given more emphasis at?

-According to the new reform, LOMCE, in addition of the core subject which will have more importance, which other subjects will be emphasized by the LOMCE?

-“Adult Education and Training” is aimed at people over 18 years old, but, are there more people who have access to that type of education? If so, tell us who.

-Ainara has always wanted to be a professional dancer since she was little. She is in the 2nd year of ESO in the course 2014-2015. At what course will she be able to have access to an education which will let her be a professional dancer and what certificate will she need? Once she has got this certificate, what type of education will she have access to? Which areas can be found at this type of education?

-As LOMCE pretend to reduce the early school leaving rate, by which new measures will try to do it?

-A student can receive a Pre-Primary Education, Basic Education, and Upper Secondary Education. Apart of what, what three types of professional education offer the Spanish Education system to students?

-Between what ages is the basic vocational training for? What is its main aim?

-Do you think that a boy or a girl who is in 4th year of ESO is receiving good contents in his/her school’s subjects which can help him or her to choose a good type of Bachillerato in a future?

-How has the Act of Improvement of Education affected the upper secondary education?

-How is distributed the Administration Institution in Spain?

-If I have more than 16 years, but I work, so I can´t go to school in the regular regimen. What could to study?

-If I was a student older than 16 years wth a laboral contact, whitch kind of educational institution should I choose?

-If you don´t want to follow with bachillerato after 3 years of ESO what is the alternative that LOMCE offers?

-In the administration and management of the Spanish Educational System, what role does the central and regional educational administration?

-Is necessary that every student develop the minimum competences required by their school, but who is in charge of establish that competences?

-It´s the believed that in Spain there is more potential in our students than what it is thought, how do you think that Spanish Educational System is going to improve their Academic Perfomance?

-Matilde has been living all her life in Kent. However, this year, her parents have moved to Spain and now she is attending school in the 4th year of ESO. With the enforcement of the LOMCE, this year, Matilde must achieve two things in order to go to Bachillerato. What are those two things?

-Name some of the areas where special emphasis will be made with a view transforming the Spanish Educational System.

-Rafael has received the “Lower Compulsory Secondary Education Certificate” which means that he has access to upper secondary education or the world of work. Finally, he decided to go to upper secondary education, how many academic years does it last and what possibilities does it offer?

-The minimum competences are establish by the General State Administration (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport) and the authorities of the Autonomous Communities (Departments for Education)

-The Spanish Educational System, ie, the set of educational administrations, professionals in education and other public and private agents is in the process of educational reform LOMCE, how would this reform is proposed? Why assumes the need to combine quality and equality in education?

-The Spanish educational system is worse than the educational system from other countries. How do you think that the new law, LOMCE, is going to solve this problem?

-Until what age it is not compulsory incorporate the children in the Educational system?

-What is feature that characterizes the Administration and the management of the Spanish Educational System?

-What is the Act of Improvement of Education?

-What is the Adult People Education (EPA)?

-What is the difference between evaluation criteria and evaluation standards? Give an example and explain what supposes.

-What is the education that is incorporated into all the subjects of Basic Education?

-What is the name of the reform that claims the need to combine quality and equity?

-What are the main differences between “Primary Education” and “Higher Education”?

-What kind of education will not be financed by the public budget?

-Which are the branches that take part of the upper secondary education?

-Which are the main similarities between the main objectives on the Spanish Educational the main System and the main principles of the LOMCE?

-Which type of University has more autonomy?

-Why was it necessary to introduce a new reform?

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