Friday 1 May 2015



 Hello bloggers!

I am Maria Jose, the star this week. I was the star weeks before and my experience was really good but this week it has been, from my point of view, a bit different and you will ask yourself why?
This last part of the task 6 was about a game called "snakers and ladders".In this game two stars of each group had to play to this game and the winners would obtain a  card or joker for each member of the group that  could change by one question (of the two questions) in the oral exam marked directly with a 9.5 or 8,depending on the position(first or second)

I have to recognize that in this task I have had to do a difficult and responsible work (to learn all the questions that the class and my group “busy bees” we have done about lomce). So I have had to training and for doing it my group did a series of games to learn it more easily.
I studied very hard during this week but I felt insecure and worried because I wanted to do it as well as possible so I have tried to think in positive all the week in order to avoid suffer pressure or stress,I recommend you this kind of things a lot .

And then the expected day came….

When Linda said “the game is started” I felt REALLY NERVOUS.I have never felt in this way, maybe because when you are working in groups your responsibility is bigger than when you work alone but not only that, my group was so motivated  and excited that me and Bernabé as stars felt a big responsibility but at the same time we felt more encouraged for doing it as weel as posible.
At the beggining of the game I felt nervous(Imagine I had to have clear ideas about the topics and to know how explain it talking out loud)  and I thought that all the things that I had studied  I had forgotten! but little by little I started to feel more self confidence about myself and when Linda asked us we respond the questions in a good way.Although we anwered questions we had bad luck :(   with the snakes during the game: We fell in many snake's squares(snakes head),descending in our position.

We continued playing to this game on thursday 30th.We knew that we had few posibilitites of being the winners due to the position of the other groups in the game and because we had  1 hour for playing the game so it was difficult to win.And what happened at the end??
WE LOST but,although we have lost in this game,we feel very proud of our work because this kind of games is to be lucky.In other words,in this game you don't win because you know all the questions you win per pure luck basically.

All the groups did it very well but the winners were POWER TEACHERS AND KC&KO)!!! CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!!
It has been a pleasure take part in this game and playing it !

Related to my experience as star I always say that this role is the best because you learn a lot of things about your weaknesses(nerves) and your strenghts(talking in public),something that is very important professionally and personally.So I recommend you that you prove it and comment your experience and how do you feel in this moment because the emotions that you experiment in this moment are incredible! 

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