Monday 11 May 2015

TASK 7 (Cohexistence Plan). Facilitator

Hi Beeeees!! My name is Miriam and here I am another time as the FACILITATOR of the busy bees’ group this week!!
As you know, the objective of my work this week is to be ‘’THE BOSS’’ of my group and to coordinate and organize all the team, the meetings and the work. It is the second time that I have been The Facilitator, so I was not as nervous as the first time when I have had the lead role.
This activity is called ‘’Coexistence Plans’’ and it consist in inventing a story of a conflictive situation placed in a Primary School, we created a situation in class and then we interchanged with other group and then, we had to do a TV documentary where the problem was explained and the School leader team explained how the coexistence plan could help to improve and solve the problem.
First of all, I have to say that on Monday, before the explanation of the teacher, we divided the roles with little pieces of paper that we took randomly. Here you have the roles:

We had the story that our colleagues ‘’UMPALUMPAS’’ have made, it is a story about a case of an Arabic girl in a school of Paris, after an Arabic terrorist act, the classmates of this girl abuse her, blaming her for it like their parents.

In order to meet and divide the work, we decided on Monday that all we should search something in our houses before Tuesday about:
·         Talks about preventive acts.
·         Promote the Multiculturalism by workshops and co-existence activities.
·         Prevention and development of improvement of coexistence.
·         Punishment to the abusers and the measures that parents will take in account.

When all we have searched the information, we met on Tuesday to gather the information and start to do the dialogue between the reporter (Ainhoa) and the School leader (Berna). While we were doing the script, we decided to do some sort of a Diary like ‘’The Patricia’s Diary’’, It was called ‘’The Yoli’s Diary’’ and Yoli would be the presenter of it.

As soon as we finished all the script, we decided to meet all Thursday in order to film the video in the morning and to set the video in the evening, so we had to eat and spent all day together with the purpose of finishing the work. It was a very hard day, but finally, we solve all the problems that we have had and we did our best!

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