Hello my busy bees!
I am Ainhoa and during this week I have been the JOURNALIST of the group. At first I don't like this role because I don't like take photos but I have enjoyed a lot.
This week The Busy Bees had to investigated about three kinds of cartographic projections from three different authors: Robinson, Mercator and Azimuthal. Then we had to choose the best for teaching at school so we chose Robinson's projection because we considered that is the more adequate for the children because only distorted the Poles.
During Monday and Tuesday we divided the information to do a good search. On Wednesday we went to Luis Vives and we started to do the map and decorated it. I have to say that it was very funny! Also, we chose the topic about the media and an example for it and the two countries to do the comparison. At first we draw the maps and we filled them with plasticine, we chose two different colors to differentiate the countries that we had chosen of the rest of the world. Then we drew the two countries chosen in “goma-Eva” and we covered them with plasticine. For represent the example of the media we decided to do a mockup of the space in which the Sun and The Earth can be appreciated with the starts in the background. There you can appreciate the difference between the shape from a real star and the shape from a false star. Also we used an example about Disney's princess to show how the stereotypes can influence the children's behavior.

At the exposition’s day we were very nervous. At first we thought that we was very prepared because we worked a lot and search a lot of the information, but when we started the Star got nervous and began to read the paper when the information. Also the maps fallen from the cardboard and everything was a disaster.
This week we have had some mistakes but next week we will do it perfect!
Zzzzzzzzze you soon!
First blog:
Second blog:
First blog:
Second blog:
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