Friday, 13 February 2015

Task 1 (TPACK). Information

Here you have the information that the Busy Bees exposed yesterday!! :) 

In this exposition we are going to talk about TPACK. The first question that we have to do ourselves is: what is TPACK? Why TPACK is so important in learning processes in contemporary societies?

TPACK is a model that is offered to teachers, a mental structure for thinking about the different areas of knowledge related to an effective teaching and the interaction of knowledge and skills necessary for the effective integration of technology. The idea of TPACK was developed by teachers of education in the University of Michigan.

The scheme proposes a new kind of knowledge that appears with the inclusion of technology in the classroom. Teachers need three kinds of intersecting knowledge to be able to integrate technology effectively; firstly we have Pedagogical Knowledge (knowledge of how to teach in an effectively way) and secondly Content Knowledge (knowledge of what it is teaching, the content of the subjects such as concepts, theories…).

As we can see in the diagram these kinds of knowledge intersects. It is necessary because Pedagogical Knowledge and Content Knowledge is not enough for helping students to learn in an effective way.
Teachers need another kind of knowledge as well; they need Pedagogical content knowledge (know what to teach and how to teach it).
Technology Knowledge appears later (It is a knowledge of how to use technologies).

We know that technologies are part of our lives and the technological advances are faster every time. Furthermore it plays an important role in childrens' life too, who spend a lot of time with new technologies (computer, iPod...), so the inclusion of technology in the classroom could be a way to promote an effective learning (using computers, whiteboards, interactive games...). Accordingly it is necessary that school teachers have knowledge about it.

So with the integration of Technology Knowledge, as we can see, appears other kinds of knowledge: Technological content knowledge (how teachers choose tool and technological resources that will help students to learn contends curricular programs) and Technological pedagogical knowledge (Knowledge of how to teach well with new tools and technological resources).

All of these things form Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
At the same time among these kinds of knowledge there are other contexts that also influence on teachers in the integration of technology in the classroom such as: available technologies, access, time, students' knowledge, teachers' knowledge, socioeconomic status, family knowledge and so on.

In relation to our degree we can say that our subjects  have relation with these types of knowledge.Now we are going to classify them:


In this subjects as we can see in the curriculum the principal objective is to be able to understand express oneself correctly (in the cases of English and language).


In these subjects the fundamental objective is acquire abilities and knowledge to teach children in a good way, so they could learn a lot.

●    TIC

These subjects contain the three elements of the TPACK (technological, pedagogical and content knowledge)

So we can conclude saying that in our degree TPACK takes part in the most of the subjects, so this model is very important in learning processes and as a future teachers we have to learn it to teach our students in an effective way.

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