Monday, 16 March 2015

Task 5.(Summary Video). Analyst

Hi people!! I am Gracia, the analyst of Busy Bees this week.

This week in School Organization and Educational Resources we have worked in the task 5, Summary Video, in which we had to make a video with moovly or powtoon including all the contents that we have studied during the course.

From my point of view, this task has been very interesting and funny, because it has been a bit different of the rest of the tasks and we have leant how to do animated videos using some useful tools online, being this the best part of the activity.

One of the worst things of this task was when we realized that the computer in which we had the video were broken, we had to repeat all the video again and recorded the audios because they had been deleted.

On Monday, when we had to put the video in class, we had some problems because the video did not reproduced well, but finally, the best moment of the week was when we could show our video correctly on time, we were very nervous because we thought that we were going to failed the task if we were not able to put the video. It was a mixture of feelings, because of on one hand we felt worried but finally we fell relaxed and relieved.

With this task, we have learnt a lot of things because most of us did not know how to do an animated video so we have learnt with the help of the members of the group that really know how to use this kind of program, so it has been very useful. Also we have remembered the entire contents of the course such as what is T-PACK, the dark side of text books, that media are not neutral…

Busy Bees, as a group has to improve in some things because many times we do not listen our partners or we want to control all the things and we do not think that this is the role of the facilitator; but instead of this, I think that one of the best things that we have is that we are friends, we help everybody and we finish the task on time, so we want to conserve this aspects.

This activity is related with the same subjects of the rest of the tasks, and all together shows us the best way to be a good teacher and to teach to the students in a correct way, and unfortunately a lot of teachers do not know them, for example the necessity of looking for the best way to teach (T-PACK), know which contents are better, or know that textbooks are not good as we usually think…

To sum up, even if not all the video is related, the majority of the contents have a relation with some aspects of the society in which we live, such us the dark side of the textbooks, because of there are a lot of political and economical interests, that media are not neutral, because they show us a distorted reality, as we can see in our video, when the teacher explains it…

I hope you enjoy reading this post!!! See you soon :) 

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