Hello everyone!! My name is Miriam and this week I have been
the Star of the group BusyBees!!
First of all I want to apologize for everything that
has happened in the class, in the exposition, and for the problem with the
video that we have had, we have worked very hard to do it, because of that, we
were so concerned that nothing was wrong and to solve the problems.
My experience as a star has been good, from the first
moment that we knew the activity, we started to prepare everything and I felt
very sure with my exposition. This week we have had to make a video that
included all the contents that we have learned in this subject of School
Organization and Educational Resources. My group decided that, between the
two programs which Linda proposed us to make the video, Powtoon and Moovly, the
most interesting and creative one was Moovly, so we started carrying out the
task from the first moment.
From our point of view, this activity has allowed us
to learn about new tools that in the future we will use, as well as helped
another time to organize us as a Group and take advantage of what we
do. We have worked pretty hard, and we believe that the result can be seen
in the video, so we are very happy.
The day of the exhibition, Linda proposed to present
our work in a "competition" of the type of Eurovision, in which we
had to present our videos to the other teams. The Group which will have the
best one, will win a prize (a lunch in the cafeteria). The judges would
be: first ourselves voting for the other groups (30%), then the teacher Linda
(40%) and finally, other people who do not belong to our class and who would
vote in the same way as us (30%). In the voting, until the end of the
competition, our video was very close to with our partners ItSchool, but
finally, they won getting the most votes, congratulations guys, you did a good

The first solution we tried to carry out was to put
the video on another laptop, but as I have said before, the problem was in the
pendrive, so it was impossible to open in any one (we tried to open it on three
different laptops, have to give the thanks to our colleagues who left us them). I
was more and more nervous, I thought about going in my car running to my house
and bring my laptop where I had the original video (I never thought that we
could have had this problem). Finally I remembered that the last night I
sent the video to Dropbox, so everyone got excited.
the last group ended their exposition and showed their videos, I had to swallow
my nerves, to apologize for all the problems that we have had, and to put the
video again. This time finally everything went well! After so many efforts!!.
In conclusion, I can say
that despite all the problems we had, our group felt very satisfied with the
reactions of the people when watching our video. They laughed, because we did it in a
very original way. To finish the
video, we recorded us singing a song that everyone liked very much, and it was
very funny. So we finally feel
comfortable with the work done and the exhibition, which, although it did not
go as well as we had hoped, we took it forward.
I hope you like my
post!! Bye Beeessss!!
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