- FACILITATOR: María Hernández
- JOURNALIST: Miriam Peña
- ANALYST: Mª José Peñalver
- TRANSLATOR:Yolanda Tudela
- CURATOR-FARMER: Gracia Rueda
- STAR:Bernabé Jiménez
- STAR 2: Ana López
- RESPONSIBLE: Ainhoa López
Monday, 23 March 2015
Week 7. Roles distribution
Hi! This is the distribution of the roles of this week!:
Task 6 (Spanish Educational System I). Work with my classmates
HI! I´m Ana, the star!
Here you have the entire and complete Mind map created by the three groups (Busy Bees, POWER TEACHERS, Keep calm and Keep Organized) about the topic 1, I hope you like it.
Here you have the MindMap of the topic 4, realized by the native group, that is, POWER TEACHERS. You can see it in their blog too.
Here,I attach you the link for seeing the conceptual map: http://goo.gl/KEfdys
About how we have worked with our partners, I was the star this week and I have worked with POWER TEACHERS and KEEP CALM AND KEEP ORGANIZED.
It was a good experience, like I explained in my post (star post). I have to admit, that finally, when we started to do the complete map of the topic 4 we realized about some information that one group have and another not, in other words, we thought at the beggining of the class that our mindmap were complete, and we realized that it wasn´t true. It was a good experience complete with you the map. THANKS GIRLS!
Here you have the entire and complete Mind map created by the three groups (Busy Bees, POWER TEACHERS, Keep calm and Keep Organized) about the topic 1, I hope you like it.
Here you have the MindMap of the topic 4, realized by the native group, that is, POWER TEACHERS. You can see it in their blog too.
Here,I attach you the link for seeing the conceptual map: http://goo.gl/KEfdys
About how we have worked with our partners, I was the star this week and I have worked with POWER TEACHERS and KEEP CALM AND KEEP ORGANIZED.
It was a good experience, like I explained in my post (star post). I have to admit, that finally, when we started to do the complete map of the topic 4 we realized about some information that one group have and another not, in other words, we thought at the beggining of the class that our mindmap were complete, and we realized that it wasn´t true. It was a good experience complete with you the map. THANKS GIRLS!
Task 6 (Spanish Educational System I). Analyst
Hello guys!!!! I'm Yolanda, the analyst of this week.
During this week we have worked in the task 6, Changes in The Spanish Educational
System Overview: The game. We had to read and search some information about this topic and to summarize it in two conceptual maps.
I think it is very interesting this topic. From my point of view, the best part of this activity is to know better the new law of education. However, I think that the worst part of this activity is that it is an activity less dynamic and funny compared with the previous activity.
As far as I am concerned, the best moment of this week is the coordination among us into the work. The only problem that I observed it was agree in the days that we met, but finally we agree.
The contents that we have learnt this week are obviously, we have learnt more about the new law of our country, the Lomce. In my opinion it is very important to preserve the coordinarion of this week for the next weeks. But, on the other hand, I think that we can improve some things like to listen more that our partners say.
To sum up, I want to say that this activity was very interesting and I think it is important to know about it, because this law is the trigger birth to all the contents of the schools and universities, and it is very important in our degree specially.
Task 6 (Spanish Educational System I). Journalist
Hi everyone!!!
I’m María José and this week I have been the journalist, oh yeah ;) My role consists on tell the history of the group, tell the dynamic of the weekly work and recover evidences about our work.I have to recognize that I have really liked being the journalist because I have learnt a lot to describe how my group work in a faster way.
I’m María José and this week I have been the journalist, oh yeah ;) My role consists on tell the history of the group, tell the dynamic of the weekly work and recover evidences about our work.I have to recognize that I have really liked being the journalist because I have learnt a lot to describe how my group work in a faster way.
Today's article is an explanation of the
process that we
followed in order to do the activity called “Changes in The Spanish Educational
System Overview: The game”.
First of all, I am going to explain the time spent in the
these activity: last Monday our School Organization and Educational Resources teacher proposed us a task in
which we had to investigate about different topics related to the Spanish
Educational System. The topics that we had to investigate were the
- An overview of the Educational System
- Organisational Variations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education
Itinerancy and non-regular schooling
Bilingual teaching
With these
topics we had to do a conceptual map in which we had to explain the principle
ideas about this two topics. The best conceptual map would obtain a prize (1.5
or 1 extra points in the portfolio mark)
So this day,
in class, the facilitator (Miriam) divided the work that each person had to do
for meeting other day with all of the information summarized and clear
ideas about the topics.
We met on Wednesday 18th.
This day all the members of the group have the information summarized so each
one have to explain the principal ideas that had found. It was like a
brainstorming,each one had many ideas about the topics.All the members of the group wanted to speak at the same time and we had some problems with it but the facilitator(Miriam) control that the group was working properly together and tried to avoid this situations with the goal of working in a good way and organized, always with the objective of improving as a group for doing the task as well as possible.
The next step was to think about how we had to organize the information in a clear way to put it on the conceptual map, so we were talking and discussing about it .We had also to do schemas for representing it in a good way.
The next step was to think about how we had to organize the information in a clear way to put it on the conceptual map, so we were talking and discussing about it .We had also to do schemas for representing it in a good way.
We spent a
long time doing it so we had to do Skype next day (Thursday 19th) in the afternoon in order to do the conceptual map with
an useful tool that our teacher, Linda, recommended us called Mindmeister.
The last day
was on Friday 20th, we finished all the
details that we wanted to include on the conceptual map and after that, we
revised it with the goal of avoid any mistake.
This was the result of our work:
This was the result of our work:
An overview of the Educational System
Organizational Variations and alternative structures in Primary Education
...and the expected day
came :) How was the dynamic this week with the sixth task?
On Monday
23th, our teacher
Linda explained how we had to carry out this task:
Keep Calm
group (who were the visitors) and the star of Power teachers (who was the
alien) had to mix with our group.
At the same
time our star Ana (who was the alien) had to mixed with the rest of Power
Teachers group(who were the natives) and Keep calm group (who were the
The first
one, had to work on the topic one and the second one, had to work on the fourth
Linda divided
the lesson in order to do two things:
On the one
hand, in the first lesson we had to evaluate the Conceptual maps of Keep Calm
and keep Organized with the help of the star of the group Power teachers (Rebecca).So
first of all, the three group established a criteria that we were to follow in order to evaluate the conceptual maps. After that, we evaluated them and
fill in a survey in order to observe if the conceptual map followed some
criteria, such as if it was legible, their sizes, their contents,their designs,among others. In
addition we had to do the same thing (to evaluate and fill a survey with a
criteria) with the conceptual maps of Power teachers group.
After that, we
were talking about the mistakes that we commited on the conceptual map in order
to improve and we talked also about the marks that we had put on the conceptual
At the same time our star, Ana, was with the other
part of the group Keep calm and Keep organized and Power teachers doing the
same but with the topic four.She was the star so she helped to the group Power Teachers
in order to evaluate the conceptual map of the group Keep Calm and Keep
On the other hand, in the second lesson we had to
chose one conceptual map (the best conceptual map) in order to add some
contents or aspects for completing it as well as possible.
Here I attach a video working hard in the
task with the star(Rebeca)of the the group Power teachers and the visitors(the
group Keep Calm and Keep Organized)
Picture belongs to the Power teachers Group
It has been a pleasure working with you!!!:)
Finally, the second part of my role consist on explore and
comment a blog from inside the class and other from outside the class.
From inside the class I selected the Power Teachers Group.I chose this group because I like how
the map was done. It was very clear and with the principal content. Furthermore
it was very easy for understanding the basic concepts of the topic.
I commented on the star post, which is this: http://goo.gl/XIFRKv
From outside the class I decided to comment a post that
resulted me very interesting. It is about the introduction of ITC(for example,the use of Ipads applications in the classroom).
As I have put on the comment new technologies(such as iPads) are a good option for introducing in the classroom because it is a new way to teach in which students can visualize the things that they learn and understand the contents more easily. In addition they can improve their creativity and imagination. For that reason this blog,especially this post ,from my point of view, is very interesting because as future teachers, to learn more things about how introduce technologies in the classroom and use them, is a very important point.
The post comment is this: http://goo.gl/fbSZLV
I hope you enjoy reading my post!
As I have put on the comment new technologies(such as iPads) are a good option for introducing in the classroom because it is a new way to teach in which students can visualize the things that they learn and understand the contents more easily. In addition they can improve their creativity and imagination. For that reason this blog,especially this post ,from my point of view, is very interesting because as future teachers, to learn more things about how introduce technologies in the classroom and use them, is a very important point.
The post comment is this: http://goo.gl/fbSZLV
I hope you enjoy reading my post!
Task 6 (Spanish Educational System I). Facilitator
Hello bees!! I'm Miriam and this week I
have been the facilitator of the BusyBees group!
Regarding to my work, this week I have coordinated
my group in order to accomplish the Task about ''The Changes in the Spanish
Educational System 1º'' (next week we will carry out the second part of the
As the facilitator (or the ''Boss'')
this week I have to say that we have had several problems according to the
meetings because, as we are coming closer to the Easter holidays, we have to do
lots of works so we were pretty busy, however we manage to organize our work
very well.
Being the facilitator has been an
interesting role, I have never had the opportunity of giving orders and
organize the group, and so as I am concerned, finally we have done a good work.
It can be done if we all play our part!.
Each week we worked harder and harder
and the results can be seen in the quality of the work, my classmates did a
good work because I think we are a good group and we worked very well together
and I am very happy with their involvement on this week's task.
To begging with the Task, on Monday I started to divide the work,
first of all we did not know so well what we had to do, but when we asked Linda
about it and we read the resources published in ''El Aula Virtual'' we knew how
to divide the information. Our group had to do two conceptual maps in with we
had to explain the ideas about the changes between this 2 topics (related to
the Spanish Educational System):
-An Overview of the Educational System:
-Organisational Variations and
Alternative Structures in Primary Education.
To start putting the work together, we
met on Wednesday, when we all had
the information that I divided on Monday summarized. We putted it together,
although we had several problems at the begining because everyone wanted to
speak at the same time, we finally did a good work, better than we could have
On Thursday,
we had to do Skype because the work of clarifying the information in order to
put it easier. This task was not as easy as we thought so we had to speak and
to start with the conceptual map with the tool Mindmeister.
Finally, the last day that we met was on
Friday (at first we thought coming
over Thusday, but when we realized that it was the father's day, we decided to
meet on Friday), when we finished all the work that we include in the
conceptual map and we went to print it in the stationary.
To sum up, we have had problems at the
beginning with the organization, but at the end, we did a good work and we
totally power-bonded!
Task 6 (Spanish Educational System I). Star
bloggers! I´m Ana, the star of Busy Bees.
Today, I
have been a gossip alien with the purpose of know how some of my classmates
evaluate each others. In other words, I was designed to go to the POWER
TEACHERS´ world, where there were some visitors who belong to KEEP CALM
My mission
was investigate if my colleagues of both worlds evaluated correctly (obviously,
from my point of view), and comment in this post if I´m agree with their
evaluations, so let´s go.
First of
all, I´m going to start with KC&KO, who evaluated the Mind map of POWER
TEACHERS, I think that they were fair in their decisions, and evaluated them in
a good way.
TEACHERS evaluated the KC&CO Mind map and my group´s Mind map, and, like
with KC&KO, I´m agree with their evaluation, all of the members read both
maps, and had into account the opinion of KC&CO to evaluate my group´s
Mindmap, like a good team.
conclusion, I´m very pleasant of work with these groups, they evaluate like a
group, not like one person over the other members (like a kind of leader), also
they have had into account the opinion of the other group, always with respect.
There was a good atmosphere among them, something very important to evaluate
Ángela, Noelia and Elena.
TEACHERS: María, Alba, Anthea, Silvia.
I hope work
with you again guys.
XO XO, Busy
Task 6 (Spanish Educational System I). Translator
Hello people!!! I am Gracia and this week I have been
the traslator of Busy Bees!!! My role consists on chose five important terms
that we have learnt this week. In the task 6, we have been working on LOE and
LOMCE, and I have decided which definitions are the most important. Here you
can read the definitions and you can see the URL of the pages that I have used to define the words….
LOE- known as “Educational Law”. This law organizes
structures and delimits all the functions of the Educational System in Spain,
and it has influence in the organization of the education, including the
teachers, the economic resources and it has a special emphasis in the diversity
of the students.
LOMCE- is the law after the LOE. The majority of the
aspects are the same, but LOMCE includes some new aspects and try to improve the
educational system in Spain. One goal of this educational low is reduce the
school dropout, improve the results of the students, the multilingualism and
the inclusion of the new technologies in the classrooms.
BOE- is the official diary of the Spanish Government in
which are published the laws, the provisions and the acts of compulsory insertion.
It contains also the lows approved by the General Courts.
Law- It is a set of points that try to organize and
improve the environment of the country. In relation with the education, we have
studied LOE, which is the past law, and LOMCE, the current law
Educational System- is the general structure that organizes the education
of a country. Normally, the education system that directs a nation is reflected
in a general law that develops all the elements involved in the academic environment.
-. (2008). Ley Orgánica de Educación. 2008, de Asociación de Titulados Universitarios Oficiales en Informática
Website: http://www.ali.es/modules/miprofesion/item.php?itemid=34
-. (2015). Ley Orgánica para la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa. 2015, de Wikipedia
Website: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_Org%C3%A1nica_para_la_Mejora_de_la_Calidad_Educativa
-. (2015). Boletín Oficial del Estado. 2015, de Wikipedia
-. (2015). ¿Qué es una ley?. 2015, de Congreso de la República de Colombia
Website: http://www.senado.gov.co/legales/item/11164-que-es-una-ley
-. (-). Definición de Sistema Educativo. -, de Definición, miles de términos explicados
Website: http://definicion.mx/sistema-educativo/
I have considered that these words are the most relevant;
also we have learnt words such as mindmeister or conceptual map really hope
that these words are useful to you!!
Task 6 (Spanish Educational System I). Curator-Farmer
Hello everybody!!!
I´m Bernabe the curator farmer, and it was very interesting, because I learned how to do a concept map, and to distingish concept map to conceptual map. I think it will be very userfull in my life, because they are two good study´s methods. This is the mind map of the week 6, I hope you like it!
Mapa Mental creado con ExamTime por busybeespretty
I´m Bernabe the curator farmer, and it was very interesting, because I learned how to do a concept map, and to distingish concept map to conceptual map. I think it will be very userfull in my life, because they are two good study´s methods. This is the mind map of the week 6, I hope you like it!
Mapa Mental creado con ExamTime por busybeespretty
- Eurypedia. (2014). Organisational Vari ations and Alternative Structures in Primary Education. 2014 from:https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/index.php/Spain:Organisational_Variations_and_Alternative_Structures_in_Primary_Education
- Juan Carlos R. (2013). recopilación del texto completo LOE-LOMCE. 2013, de Presidente del Gobierno From: http://www.anpe.es/wpcontent/uploads/2013/01/LOMCE_LOE.pdf
- Ministerio de Educación. (2013). REFORMA DEL SISTEMA EDUCATIVO ESPAÑOL: NOVEDADES Y CALENDARIO DE IMPLANTACIÓN. 10/12/2013, de Ministerio de Educación de la Región de Murcia From: http://www.mecd.gob.es/educacion-mecd/dms/mecd/servicios-al-
- Eurydice. (2015). The Spanish education system. 23 February 2015, de Eurypedia From: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/index.php/Spain:Overview
Monday, 16 March 2015
Week 6.Roles distribution
Hi! This is the distribution of the roles of this week!:
- FACILITATOR: Miriam Peña
- JOURNALIST: Mª José Peñalver
- ANALYST: Yolanda Tudela
- TRANSLATOR: Gracia Rueda
- CURATOR-FARMER: Bernabé Jiménez
- STAR: Ana López
- STAR 2: Ainhoa López
- RESPONSIBLE: María Hernández
Task 5.(Summary Video). Grades of my classmates
Here you have
the grades of our classmates. We have to admitd that we enjoyed a lot watching
all the videos, so congratulations for all the groups!!
The order of
the groups is according to the point that we gave to them:
Their video
could have been better because,although they put all the content that we have learnt the video was very fast and we were not able to catch
the ideas to understand it(something very important when we are explaining what we have learnt).Because of these reasons, the video lowered their
quality .However we know they are a good group
and they worked very hard in this project, so I am sure that the next time they will do better!
But instead of this, well done Powerpuff teachers!!
(4 points)
Their video
was good but they did not put credits and the music did not have Creative
Commons Licences, instead of these mistakes that they can correct, well done
(5 points)
Their video
was a bit simple and we know that they could do better, and the star was a bit
nervous but instead of this she did it really good, so congratulations to this
TEACHERS (6 points)
Their video was good,
because they had organized the contents with the structure of T-PACK and explained it in a good way. We recommend this group for the next
time that increases the volume of the voices at the beginning and try to avoid put a lot of letter because there isn't enough time to read them.
(7 points)
We enjoyed a
lot watching their video; it was fantastic because they have represented very
well the contents and the star gave us a lot of sweets and he presented their
video in a very original way!!
(8 points)
I enjoyed a
lot watching their video because it was very dynamic and the music helped us to
concentrate more and to put all of our attention watching it; and the star was
really good too!! Good work.
Their video
was so good because they do a good division: resources and contents, so we
could see the information in a clear way. They put photos of all the groups and
this was a good detail. Good work!!
(12 points)
Their video was really good!! It was so interesting and it was very well made
and the star did so well. Congratulations for your 12 points!!
Well done
everybody!!!:) You did a good job so congratulations all the groups
Task 5.(Summary Video). Analyst
Hi people!! I am Gracia, the analyst of Busy Bees this
This week in School Organization and Educational
Resources we have worked in the task 5, Summary Video, in which we had to make
a video with moovly or powtoon including all the contents that we have studied
during the course.
From my point of view, this task has been very
interesting and funny, because it has been a bit different of the rest of the
tasks and we have leant how to do animated videos using some useful tools
online, being this the best part of the activity.
One of the worst things of this task was when we realized that the
computer in which we had the video were broken, we had to repeat all the
video again and recorded the audios because they had been deleted.
On Monday, when we had to put the video in class, we
had some problems because the video did not reproduced well, but finally, the
best moment of the week was when we could show our video correctly on time, we
were very nervous because we thought that we were going to failed the task if
we were not able to put the video. It was a mixture of feelings, because of on
one hand we felt worried but finally we fell relaxed and relieved.
With this task, we have learnt a lot of things because
most of us did not know how to do an animated video so we have learnt with the
help of the members of the group that really know how to use this kind of program, so it has been
very useful. Also we have remembered the entire contents of the course such as
what is T-PACK, the dark side of text books, that media are not neutral…
Busy Bees, as a group has to improve in some things
because many times we do not listen our partners or we want to control all the
things and we do not think that this is the role of the facilitator; but
instead of this, I think that one of the best things that we have is that we
are friends, we help everybody and we finish the task on time, so we want to
conserve this aspects.
This activity is related with the same subjects of the
rest of the tasks, and all together shows us the best way to be a good teacher
and to teach to the students in a correct way, and unfortunately a lot of
teachers do not know them, for example the necessity of looking for the best way
to teach (T-PACK), know which contents are better, or know that textbooks are
not good as we usually think…
To sum up, even if not all the video is related, the
majority of the contents have a relation with some aspects of the society in
which we live, such us the dark side of the textbooks, because of there are a
lot of political and economical interests, that media are not neutral, because
they show us a distorted reality, as we can see in our video, when the teacher explains it…
I hope you enjoy reading this post!!! See you soon :)
Task 5. (Summary Video). Journalist
Hello guys!!
I'm Yolanda, the journalist of this week. First of all I have to recognise that it was a role more interesting that I expected. Furthermore, I love taking photos, so it was a good experience.
This week, we have had to do a moovly. Our moovly is called: "A day with Tommy", and it is a little story about the content that we have learnt until now. For this task, we met in Luis Vives on Monday (from the end of the classes until 5 pm) to do the narration and dialogue of our story. Also, we met in Luis Vives on Wednesday (from the end of the classes until 7 pm), to do the story with moovly, and to record the audios. Finally, on Thursday we met in a classroom of the "Aulario Giner de los Rios", to make the final changes.
I think the task of this week is very dynamic and interesting. Furthermore, I want to give my congratulations to all the other groups.
Here you are some of the best moments of this week!!

Here you are some of the photos of the day of the exposition:


I have commented two blogs, one of our class and other from outside the class.
This is the blog that I have choosen outside the class:
I have found out some blogs about Moovly, and this week I decided to recommend this blog because I think that it is very interesting. This blog explain the moovly, but in a different way, as a tool to teach children.
I have writen a comment, here you can see:
This is the blog that I chosen from the class:
From my class, I have choosen ItsChOOL's Blog, because I really like their work of this week. I think that it is very creative. Furthermore, from my point of view, it has been one of the best works of the class of this week. Congratulations to them!!
I have writen a comment, to congratulate them:
I hope you like it. See you the next week!!!
Task 5. (Summary Video). Facilitator
Hi everyone,
my name is María José and this week I have worked as facilitator.
During this
week I have had to coordinate and control the group. I had to direct and
control that the group was working properly together. The boss of the group has
the task of being the key person in the solution of personal affairs between
members, guaranteeing the quality of our blog and also tries to improve the
weaknesses of the group changing the strategy if it is necessary, for doing
works better and improve as well as possible.
In addition
I have had to distribute the roles as well. So these are the roles of this
José Peñalver
JOURNALIST: Yolanda Tudela
ANALYST: Gracia Rueda
STAR: Miriam Peña
STAR 2: María Hernández
the week, we started when Linda explained in class the fifth task called Summarizing the subject until now, and
the exposition of this work. It was very interesting due to as we can see in
the title of the task we had to summarize in an animation video what we had
learnt with the tasks that we had done during this weeks (TPACK, Treasure hunt,
Oral exposition and the dark side of the textbooks)
First of
all, we didn’t know how to use moovly so this day; Linda explained the task and after that my group and me watched a tutorial video and read in the webpage
of moovly how to do a good animated presentation for having clear ideas to do it.
After that, I
established three days for doing this task:
We met three
The first
day was on Monday and I divided the
work in this way:
Four members of the group summarized the most important things, each one
of each task.
So the rest
of the group would continue design a way for doing the presentation in a
creative way. The way in which we thought that it was very easy for doing it
was to explain each task and the content so we have the idea of explaining
it through a boy who goes to the school and learn a lot of things with his
teacher. So this day we did the dialogue of characters and decided that Gracia,
Maria and Ainhoa were perfect to interpret the characters on the video.
We met other
day (Wednesday) to do the scenes
that we wanted so four members of the group designed some scenes and the others
members the rest of scenes. When we did it we started using moovly.Each member
of the group had to do in moovly the scenes established.We also started recording the audios. We spent a long time
doing it so we decided to meet other day for finishing the project.
The last day
was on Thursday; we recorded the
audios again and finished the task (in spite of some problems with the computer).
I would like
to say that working in group is always something very important but
difficult at the same time due to the different opinions and the different ways
of doing things.
I have tried
to coordinate the group in a good way but I have to recognize that sometimes it
was very difficult to do it because, as I have said before, all the members
have speak at the same time with different ideas for the project and it is hard
to control this kind of things. In spite of it, I think that I did it as well
as possible and always trying to improve as a group that is an important point.
To sum up, we're proud of our work because we were working very hard and we hope you enjoy with us. I would like to congratulate my group due to the work and of the good experience we have lived.
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